The last six months of so, I've been dealing with some tight hamstrings. I went to see a physical therapist in the fall and he gave me a few things to do for strength training in the gym. Being one who usually just laces up my shoes and runs out the door, this was a bit of an adjustment. But it turned out that it was only about 30 minutes extra in my whole week if I went to do the exercises 3 times a week, and it has been so amazing to me that there has been a good payoff for a small investment of time. While I am not 100% better, it's been so great to be here in Nashville going for a few longer runs and not having any aches and pains. So- it's motivating to keep doing the work so that I can stay healthy and get stronger.
As I was running a few strides with Jason today, I was thinking about this and wondering what these small tweaks might be for you in your life. What small investment of a few minutes a day might give big returns for you down the road? Sure, it might be something for soccer or basketball or running, and that would be great. Or it might be memorizing a few verses this year (Anna memorized a few for her 13th birthday- Psalm 139, Philippians 4:4-9, Colossians 2:6-7, Colossians 1:9-14, Matthew 6:26-34, and Hebrews 12:1-3). We picked 6 verses for her to memorize--one each month for 6 months before her birthday. (I thought of the idea for her birthday 6 months before... not any other special significance other than that. :) Another thing that might be a great discipline is to keep a journal and write down 5 things you are grateful for each day for a month. Whatever it is, I am praying that you will find small ways to be intentional for your own strength training for your soul this year. :)
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