Saturday, December 24, 2016

Birth - part two

Liam, I just read this and it was so good that I had to pass it on.... 
Merry Christmas Eve!! 

(and a little Christmas cheer from Anna and Taylor pictured above in front of my parents' Christmas tree-- please note that Taylor is on tiptoes as he is trying to be as tall as Anna who is borrowing my mom's clothes and is in her high heels!) 

"Christmas Eve marks the end of Advent and the beginning of the Christmas season. In candlelight services and intimate family gatherings around the world, we enter into a season of celebrating one of the great mysteries of our faith—a God who comes to us as a tiny, fragile human being, making it possible for him to dwell with us in the most intimate of ways.
How this happened and what it means to us is beyond our ability to grasp on most days, but sometimes music, imagery and a really good question can help us dwell more fully in the mystery—at least for a moment.
This year we are drawn to “Mary, Did You Know?” as a way in to reflecting on the mystery of the Christ-life as it was birthed in Mary’s life and in our own. When Mary opened herself to receive the Christ child into her body and soul there was no way she could have known what it would mean for her.  Neither can we.
Fortunately, we are not called to understand the mystery or predict where it will take us; we are called to live in it and say yes to it.  As we begin the sacred journey from Advent to Christmas, we invite you to step back from your work and preparations—just for a moment—and dwell in the mystery of what you know and what you don’t know about the great paradox of our faith we call the Incarnation.
We hope you are moved by this stirring rendition of “Mary, Did you Know?” by Pentatonix."

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