Saturday, December 31, 2016

reset button

Today, I headed on my last run of 2016 for a 10 mile loop here in Anacortes. It was such a great start to the day reflecting a bit on the last year and looking forward to 2017.  While New Year's Eve is a bit overrated with high hopes of fireworks, champagne (when you are older), kisses at midnight (if you stay up that late), and watching the ball drop on Times Square,  I do like having a day when we get to anticipate turning the page on our calendars with a chance to start afresh in the new year.  The word that came to mind on my run this morning was the word "reset." 

I wrote this post about 3 1/2 years ago about the "reset" button and thought you'd get a kick out of seeing these old pictures of Anna and Taylor. 

May you always know that you can push the reset button anytime and anywhere (not just when the new year kicks in).  Happy (almost) 2017! 


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

the reset button

I've had some computer issues lately and have had to simply push the reset button a few times to get the computer unstuck from whatever glitch was going on. Yesterday afternoon, I was reminded that we too need those restart buttons when things get out of whack. 

After a great day with Eva yesterday at Lincoln Park, we had planned to run over to Green Lake for a pre-dinner swim. As we got home later than we expected from dropping her off at her house, it caused a bit of a problem as it was kids' cooking night and Jason had to be somewhere at 8. With the time we had, we knew that we had to figure out some compromises in order to make it all happen.  Taylor really wanted to cook. Anna really wanted to go swim. Jason and I were looking forward to the run.  After going around a few times, we figured out a plan to make it all work out, but in the mix, there was some tension and stress. I said to everyone at one point that we needed to all begin again and have a fresh start. I joked and asked Anna where her "reset" button was and we figure out that it was on her nose. So, I pushed her nose and we both smiled. 
We got the lasagna made, the kids hopped on their bikes, Jason and I put on our running shoes, 
and we headed to Green Lake while dinner was cooking. 
Running is definitely my reset button, and it was so good for my soul to be out on such a 
gorgeous evening running fast with Jason down to the lake.  
And there is something about being in the water that is good for my soul too-- 
refreshing and freeing...
We jumped in and enjoyed a beautiful swim in the lake for a bit and a few leaps off the diving board.  At one point, I swam over to Jason, told him about my chat with Anna about the "reset" button,  pushed his nose and gave him a hug.  
it was a big exhale
 for us all to have this mini-adventure together 
to recharge and start afresh. 
And, then we dried off the best we could and ran home. It turned out to be a fabulous evening.  

I told Anna and Taylor over dinner that one of the best invitations we have from God is the chance to begin again over and over during the course of a day.  The best thing we can do in our relationships is to offer that chance to others to start over and to begin again with grace, forgiveness and love. 
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases and his mercies NEVER come to an end. They are new every morning. 
I am so thankful for the faithfulness that never fails and that gives us the chance to reset 
(with or without a little touch on the nose....) 

tucking Anna in last night with a reset button... 

just a little press on the nose is all it takes... :) 

family trek to Green Lake last night 

glory, glory. 


quite the treat to have these emerging little chefs here under our roof... 

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