Saturday, February 18, 2017

the place your glory dwells

"Lord I love the house where you live, the place where your glory dwells." Psalm 26:8

Tim Keller writes the following about this in the devotional I am reading on the Psalms: 
"David loves that God's glory-- his infinitely holy and beautiful presence-- dwells in the temple (vs. 8). Even more marvelous is the Gospel, which tells us that Jesus is the true temple (John 2:20-21). God's glory dwells in him (John 1:14) and in all those who unite with him by faith (1 Peter 2:4-5).  Those odd people in the next pew? That couple with the whiny baby? Those young people who don't dress right for church? They should be objects of your love and respect because God's glory dwells in them." 

I was thinking of this because of the note you wrote me about you being frustrated with Riley and how much I related with that with people who are hard for me to love.  It goes with the quote I sent you yesterday about how we are here in this life to learn to love, and I know I still have a lot to learn.  So, may you see everyone around you in a different light because you have a glimpse that God's glory dwells in them (even Riley when you want to throw her out the window.) 

painting called "Where Your Glory Dwells" 

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