Thursday, February 2, 2017

Paper Napkin Challenge #1: Strengths

Liam, we have done a few "paper napkin challenges" at dinner the last few nights and I thought I'd share them with you over the next few days.... They are called "paper napkin challenges" because they are meant to be simple exercises that can be completed with nothing more than a paper napkin and a pen. 

Paper Napkin Mental Health Challenge #1
Identify and apply your strengths when solving a problem.

How? Trace your hand on a napkin or piece of paper. Write down five of your greatest strengths – one on each finger. If you’re helping your kids, you can ask them what their greatest strengths are and help your kids write them out. Optional Bonus: Write the strengths on your real hand!
Then what? Next time you face an adversity, pick a finger. Use your strength to begin resolving your problem.
The challenge! Do this yourself and then teach one other person. When you’re done, ask that person to do the same.
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The science in a nutshell: The research is clear: identifying and applying character strengths increases life satisfaction, well-being, and even academic performance. Here are more than 150 research findings. 

So, Liam- live into your strengths today because you've got a ton! 

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