Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Wonderful Mess

Tim Hansel writes, "I have some very dear friends who almost lost their home recently in one of this famous California brush fires. The flames were so close they were licking over the patio and roof. My friends were out of town at the time and only the heroic efforts of neighbors saved the day. Some wet down the roof while others quickly moved furniture and other personal items out into the yard jus tin case the house did go. I talked to Peg and Gary after they returned and she said, 'Oh, it's such a wonderful mess!' She realized it would be weeks before she could clean up the soot and ashes and get things back together, but she still knew that it was wonderful to have the mess to clean up, rather than have nothing but ashes.  I can't help comparing the experience of Peg and Gary with being a parent. There are plenty of brush fires, but the question for me is, do I stop and realize what a wonderful mess my home and family can be?" (What Kids Need Most in a Dad, pg 166)

As you think about the messy parts of your day, Liam, 
may God bless you with perspective and gratitude in the midst of it all. 

While this picture has nothing to do with the quote above, 
I thought it would make you smile today....

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