Saturday, January 7, 2017

Does Your Face Light Up?

I read this recently as I was looking for a quote to share with my student teachers for one of my classes at SPU: 
"One of Oprah Winfrey's greatest lessons in the '90s was that everybody just wants to be appreciated or validated. She had an aha! moment in 2000 when author Toni Morrison was on the show asking, "Does your face light up [when you see your children]?" because that allows your face to speak how your heart feels.

I've thought about this as a parent, but today, when I walked in your house today to pick you up, you gave me that gift of a face lighting up when you found out you got to come over to bake something. I had texted your dad about scheduling a time with you today to celebrate the 7th, but in the busyness of the weekend, he forgot to tell you I was coming. So when I walked in your house, it was a surprise to you, and then when your dad told you that you got to come over to bake something, you were super excited.  I was so happy that you wanted to come and that it was a welcome surprise! 

Thank you for being someone who not only uses your words to express joy and appreciation but you show it too with your genuine enthusiastic smile which is such a gift to those around you. 

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