Monday, January 23, 2017

A Parent's (or Godparent's) Wish

A Parent’s (or Godparent's 😀Wish
For My Children I ask:
That they seek their happiness not so much at the finish line, as in the running;
That they have the strength not to lift tremendous weights, but one fallen friend;
That they learn to fight their own battles with a never-ending string of temporary cease fires;
Not that the occasion make them smile, but that their smile make the occasion;
That their bridges be built not over rivers, but over misunderstanding;
That their wealth be not in their banks but in their hearts;
That they gain power not over others, but over themselves;
That they never fail to leave the stage before their applause is done;
That they bow not to little people with big titles, but to big people with little titles;
That they keep strict account not of favors owed to them, but to others;
Not that they never know grief; but that they never know joy the moment after
That their names be household words not throughout the land, but in their own households;
That their monuments be found not in public parks, but in the lives of those they have touched.

- Jerry Spinelli

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